Monday, April 18, 2011

CAP: Clarity, Audience, Purpose


The literal, stylistic and thematic messages of my pieces are clearly and efficiently presented. Each element created is working towards its goal of visually representing the word. Looking at my elements created I don't think anyone would misinterpret the piece's message because the visuals used clearly represent the word. However, I do think anyone viewing my work would have their own thoughts/ideas of how to create a visual that represents the words. The only image that I think could possibly be fighting for attention would the word pillow with the sleeping baby. The image of a sleeping baby could represent many different things to people such as innocence, peace, love, defenseless therefore the word pillow only could be fighting with other peoples ideas of the message. I think my creations are all pretty simple and have a great impact on an audience concerning the message, theme and concept.


The target audience for this piece would be college students and teachers because they are the audience that is viewing my work. The primary audience would be college students because we all view each others blogs in order to learn about new/different ideas. I think the visual tastes of this demographic segment would be creativity because everyone has very different ideas about how to create an assignment therefore viewing everyones diverse work keeps students very intrigued and continuously learning new things. The tone should appear very young, carefree, spontaneous, and exciting in order for the concepts to be well-received by this audience.  I think this audience will respond best to short and concise lingo. If there is a passage that is too long the chances are they won't fully read it. Stating the main points simply, maybe even in bullets, would probably be best. In my opinion I think this audience would prefer fun, bright colors to catch their attention. The concept of this piece does not talk down to the target audience. It does not fly over their heads because each image and word is very simple and only further emphasizes the meaning. These words are all very applicable to my audience. For example the word lightly could speak to the audience saying to relax and don't stress out; pillow- get a good night sleep; atom- speak to them about their chemistry class etc... My designs stand out from what the audience has already seen because they are all very unique. When students view each others work, everyone has different designs because it is all individual work based off of the same assignment. If this piece were a person they would be very different and creative, offering a lot for the audience to learn from. 


Kraus says that when it comes to typographical conveyance the use of visual media is to convey a meaning or mood from the obserserved to the observer. The purpose of this piece was to create a design that represents the meaning of a word. It is not intended to try to sell a product. The purpose is to inform the viewers because each design only further exemplifies the words meaning to the viewers. The purpose is not to persuade because the images are not trying to change the viewers ideas/opinions just simply give them new insight into the different ways that I decided to design my images. I have discussed the purpose of this assignment with Dr. Estes during class to make sure I was on the right track. The purpose has been adequately narrowed so that is can be given as much attention as possible. 

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